Old Dog Blessings

I was once a child of the 1960’s, which was not a popular
place in the world back in the day.

I lived on a commune with about 10-20 people and 10-15
dogs, give or take, depending on the litter of puppies of any given

A rabidly right wing neighbor shot eight of my dogs, and later a
posse of policemen swept the commune, thinking that we would
be an easier target without eight dogs to complicate their mission.

No drugs were found.

My neighbor who killed my dogs years later embezzled 8 million dollars
from the Republican Party, and his family left him in disgust.

Meanwhile it took me twenty-one years to get another dog, my beloved Mukunda.

We just celebrated his 10th birthday.

At intervals in that twenty-one year period, a dog would
come into my life, nudging me to deal with the loss of my eight dogs.

Only one was remotely successful.

I had a short tumultuous relationship with a man who had an
old beagle named Wild Dog. One day, he dropped her off and asked
me to take care of her, twelve years after the ending of the commune years. And
I agreed that I would.

Because of her advanced age, I took her for many short walks.

I remember time slowing down.

I remember her appreciative glances my way, and i felt once
or twice the great wisdom she emanated from every cell of
her tiny old body. I did not want to give her up, knowing
the day would soon come when she would go back with her

I remember the flash of memory surfacing pertaining to my commune dogs
Alphy and Das and all their noble offspring, and how they and
Wild Dog were dog/Gods come to sweep us away into eternity.

But her master reclaimed her and I forgot about my feelings of
love for this very dear soul, as if forgetting a very
important dream.

It is in remembering the dream that our everyday
life loses the mundane quality of reality.

As I saw on a bumper sticker recently: “Reality is for people
who lack imagination.”

In this beautiful lush spring season, when green suddenly bursts forth
from mud and brown earth, we can practice bringing that tone into our hearts for

Mukunda reminds me of green even though he has a red head,
just like mine. Or is mine just like his?

We are both green souls.

The cardinal is red yet she sings, surrounded by the
profound green of the forest reflected on the great Conestoga River
that rolls past our house.

The river is also red after long periods of rain. And at night,
moon light filters through mist, reflected on dark river, as the
red fox yelps her urgent message.

And Mukunda barks to go out and find her.


A Pit Bull washed up onto our Conestoga River Bank, one

He was carefully sewn into a moving blanket, weighted
down by brick and concrete block, and thrown into the river
points south of our home. The dog had deep tooth marks on his neck, and
his right shoulder has been torn apart.

He was killed in a dog fight, professional or domestic.

Are there professional dog fights in our town? I surmised that there are–and
that the killed dogs are dumped into the town’s drinking water supply.

I wrote a letter to the editor of our local newspaper, accusing
the town of ignoring this issue.

The Pit Bull was given a proper burial, down in the
pasture along the river.

We gave the fella a name: Old Mac, the Conestoga Pit Bull. He was treated
badly in his life, was taught to be mean, to kill, to tear up smaller
animals than himself.

Perhaps he would have killed Mukunda.

But it was people who created the monster who rolled up on the bank of
the meandering Conestoga.

He came to us, so we could think about him, feel deeply in our heats the
travesty of his existence. We will muse about this every time we walk
by the pile of rocks that top his tiny memorial, overlooking Canadian
Goose habitat, squawking Blue Heron taking flight and skimming the river
surface, and bird song music, also the yelp of Red Fox everywhere
surrounding him.

So he found a final resting place where all of us who pass
can ponder his existence.

How does Old Mac, the Conestoga Pit Bull, fit into our
great theme of freedom when he was used and exploited in his
short life?

And in his death, he made the mistreatment of innocent
animals into a public statement.

Mukunda regards Old Mac’s grave site with a seriousness and an aura of
contemplation and reverence. He looks at the grave for two to three
minutes at a time, and therefore, so do I.

Mukunda now realizes that bad things happen to dogs. Before this time,
he did not know. His innocence has been transformed to worldly ways.

Since then, he listens to me more consistently, wants to please me
more constantly instead of proving his will over mine. And to think Old
Mac could teach me to be more humble as we place one foot in front of the
other, passing his memorial every day.

Dog is man’s best friend. The dog is not returned the unconditional
love they hold for our supposedly superior species.

Yet even when they are abused, they teach us love.

Even when they die, they live on.

Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator
of the e-book called “Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover
Your Calling and Destiny.” The book is designed to stimulate
nurses to love their work and to prevent on-the-job-burnout.
Click here to find out how to order the e-book:
Check out Kate’s Blog: http://nursehealers.typepad.com
And the Lens: http://www.squidoo.com/katelovingshenk


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Published in: on April 30, 2007 at 8:52 pm  Leave a Comment  

Napoeon Hill’s 13 Principles For Nurses

Think and Grow Rich! is a classic motivational book. Written by
Napoleon Hill and inspired by Andrew Carnegie, it was published
in 1937 at the end of the Great Depression.

The following 13 principles are now seventy years old this year:

4)Specialized Knowledge
6)Organized Planning
9)The Master Mind
10)The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
11)The Subconscious Mind
12)The Brain
13)The Sixth Sense
…….Outwit your Fears

We don’t usually equate Nurses with the Napoleon Hill philosophy. Yet by applying
these Success Principles, we can become much better nurses.

The Napoleon Hill philosophy has received many modern day re-evaluations.

Much has been added to it in the last forty years, since the human
potential movement began in the 1960’s.

Most recently, “The Secret”, “Millionaire: Awaken Your Secret” and “What
The Bleep Do We Know” has added to the enormity of the subject.

The Law of Attraction. although controversial after the rise in
popularity of “The Secret,” certainly was hinted at time and time
again in Napoleon Hill’s original work.

Are business people closet manifestors? Business people believe
universally that a goal must be focused on day after day at all costs.

Yet Divine Purpose is often missing in normal business activities.

But when we connect to divinity, we become more efficient manifestors.
At the same time, in the process of alligning to a higher power, the
physical body opens to the flow of this faster, higher frequency.

The area between the troat and lower stomach is where a person can
learn to feel and heed the the messages of his or her body.

Forinstance, if you are in tune with your purpose here on Planet
Earth, you will feel an opening up, a sense of joy. If you feel
constriction in this area of the body, you are out of allignment.

The truth of who you are is in a state of imbalance.

This area between your throat and lower stomach is where you listen and
feel your internal guidance system.

You may have a Big Vision for your life. But the little desires along
the way, such as the impulse to call someone, to write a letter or an
email, to write an article, to compose or play a song, are steps along
the way leading to the Big Vision of your life.

You may think you know what you want, but Divinity may have different plans.

Listen to your body, your internal guidance system. Stay with the desires
that speak to the feeling of an opening up within your body.

Stay with what you want in each moment, whether it’s to experience more
patience, compassion or more joy.

If you desire to have a good night’s sleep, then follow through with
that guiding impulse.

As you experience many small successes, celebrate each of these. You may have
hundreds of small successes in any given day.

In order to realize the Big Goal, follow through with the small desires,
keeping track of the synchronicities that arise from these.

In the end, it’s not about achieving your goals, it’s about experiencing the
emotion of completion, love and satisfaction that arise from the everyday joys.

It’s all about the journey, not the destination.

Enjoy the life you are living. Experience every sensation. Take the
opportunity to feel, sense, taste, hear and see.

Your only job is to stay open from moment to moment.

The Big Dream may take years to manifest, but because you are having so much fun
along the way, time becomes inconsequential.

Happiness in the Now is the one great achievement.

Grasping for a goal lays the foundation for fear, doubt and lack. Write down
the goal and visualize it but release the worry, want and fear.

Be happy now in order to facilitate your fondest dream.

Be your own personal joy.

Follow the next desire that opens you to the joy of living. Ask Divinity,
the Angels and the Higher Guides to help you whenever you feel constriction
in your body.

Live your life purpose NOW.

This is the life you were meant to live.

Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator
of the e-book called “Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover
Your Calling and Destiny.” The book is designed to stimulate
nurses to love their work and to prevent on-the-job-burnout.
Click here to find out how to order the e-book:
Check out Kate’s Blog: http://nursehealers.typepad.com
And the Lens: http://www.squidoo.com/katelovingshenk


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Published in: on April 24, 2007 at 7:48 pm  Leave a Comment  

The Tricks Of Opportunity

Napoleon Hill

I recently watched a you-tube video of Barry Goss who was
discussing what he called the Manifestation Void.

People who watch The Secret go on and expect immediate
manifestation of their wishes and desires.

Maybe a few weeks go by and “nothing happens.”

Many people on our Powerful Intentions forums speak of attracting thousands of
dollars, after watching The Secret–if not much more, maybe much less.

The people who are not attracting what they want, and say that
“nothing seems to be happening” are experiencing what Barry calls
the Manifestation Void.

“Millionaire: Awaken Your Secret” addresses this void when Martin
Dunkerton decides on his Million Dollar Idea (what is yours?),
and several weeks go by without any seeming movement from the outside world.

Martin persisted.

He held on and visualized his Idea every single day.

He looked in the mirror and looked into his own eyes and repeated:
“I love you.” (A very moving scene!!!)

((( Saying ho’oponopono phrases while gazing into your own eyes
is a powerful exercise–Try It!!)))

When the universe began to move and opportunities arose, and Martin was
synchronistically led to each next step, The Manifestation Void fell away.

We can learn from this.

“When the opportunity came, it appeared in a different form, and from
a different direction ….That is one of the tricks of opportunity.
It has a sly habit of slipping in the back door, and often comes disguised
in the form of misfortune or temporary defeat. Perhaps this is why so many fail to
recognize opportunity.” Napoleon Hill

This is a great truth.

The chinese character for crisis is opportunity.

Funny, and sad, how knee jerk a reaction it is to aw-fulize situations in the
normal everyday world.

Yet the root of the word awful is full of awe.

The opportunity to change around a situation in your mind, and learn to see and
perceive all experience in the light of wonder and curiosity automatically
takes away any need to judge.

The opportunity to invite the unseen forces into any and all seemingly adverse
situations is usually missed. But to do so will make the mind receptive
to The One Idea that will change your life.

While in the middle of seemingly adverse conditions, and better yet, long before,
the practice of ho’oponopono gradually or immediately erases the memory
that causes these conditions and circumstances.

The practice of ho’oponopono releases and reverses the perception of adversity.

Therein lies the opportunity.

The perception of adversity impedes flow and builds resistance to
the manifestation of our dearest, deepest dreams.

Changing perception from fear and doubt (ego), to Divinity creates
miracle mindedness, and the Joy of Life.

Napoleon Hill would agree that this is a Universal Trick Of Opportunity:
Change Your Mind, Change Your Life.

Visualize your whole identity linked only to God, not to the constantly
shifting sands of the outside world, but to the changeless Inner
Power of Infinite Intelligence.

Release the doubt and fear and great riches will flow like a
river current (currency) or a fast moving stream.

Imagine this flow raining great riches from the sky, a never
ending supply, more than enough for every one.

What is the vehical for YOUR never-ending supply?

What Is Your Burning Desire?

Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator
of the e-book called “Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover
Your Calling and Destiny.” The book is designed to stimulate
nurses to love their work and to prevent on-the-job-burnout.
Click here to find out how to order the e-book:
Check out Kate’s Blog: http://nursehealers.typepad.com
And the Lens: http://www.squidoo.com/katelovingshenk

Sign Up HERE For Your *FREE* Newsletter For Nurses And Healers
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Published in: on April 17, 2007 at 11:33 am  Leave a Comment  


I started a new forum over at Powerful Intentions called “Think Riches.”


The purpose of this forum is to see if we can duplicate Martin Dunkerton’s success, in his movie Millionaire: Awaken Your Secret, when he followed the Napoleon Hill 13 principles. We will allow Martin’s inspiring success inform our own path to success!!

Martin’s odyssey is beautifully set forth in his movie.

Some who love The Secret and who have already seen Millionaire say that this movie goes where The Secret did not or could not go– It shows from start (poverty) to finish (great riches and peace of mind) the path that anyone can follow, and realize financial freedom.

Another vision I have for this forum is for all of us to utilize the wonderful spiritual principles presented at all the PI forums– like Ho’oponopono, EFT, Law Of Attraction, Easy World and much, much more… and integrate these with Napoleon Hill’s “Think And Grow Rich.”

Much Love And Many Thanks– Kate Loving Shenk

Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator
of the e-book called “Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover
Your Calling and Destiny.” The book is designed to stimulate
nurses to love their work and to prevent on-the-job-burnout.
Click here to find out how to order the e-book:
Check out Kate’s Blog: http://nursehealers.typepad.com
And the Lens: http://www.squidoo.com/katelovingshenk

Sign Up HERE For Your *FREE* Newsletter For Nurses And Healers
Your e-mail address is safe with me–see privacy notice on my website!


Published in: on April 13, 2007 at 4:40 am  Leave a Comment  

The Healthcare Crisis In Pennsylvania

I am a nurse who has practiced in the state of Pennsylvania for 23 years, first as a Nurse Practitioner for 17 years, now as a staff nurse at one of Lancaster’s local hospitals.

Progressives 4 Pennsylvania organized a Healthcare Forum to discuss the healthcare crisis in the state, 4/4/07. The Governor of Pennsylvania was in attendance.

The following is what the forum revealed to the 300 people who gathered:

Over 48 million Americans are without health care insurance. That doesn’t even address the problem with the under-served, and those without proper access to the system.

A notable problem not addressed by anyone on the Healthcare Crisis panel at Franklin And Marshall 4/4/07 is that there are over 1500 different insurance companies here in the US, all with different rules and different paperwork.

No wonder access to care is such a problem.

The system needs to be overhauled. Governor Rendell’s plan, Prescription For Pennsylvania, allows those who have created the problem to continue to get a paycheck, by rearranging the way everything is delivered.

The Ceo’s of the Insurance Companies continue to get their billions of dollars and the Pharmaceutical Companies continue to profit from the sick and suffering.

The Governor doesn’t seem to know anything about healthcare, anyway. That much is obvious: Like putting everyone’s medical records on the internet; Or like putting mercurochrome on everyone’s wounds in the emergency room; Or like letting nurses take over the health care system–talk about a war between the sexes!!

More than one in three Americans is either uninsured or under-insured, and studies suggest that being under-insured is almost as problematical as being uninsured.

People faced with large co-pays and deductibles avoid seeking medical attention until they absolutely have to. By then it is often too late to avoid a bad outcome.

Think about that 8-year old who died of a brain infection down in Baltimore recently because his family couldn’t find a dentist who would do a $60 medicaid tooth extraction.

His mother did not have $60.

Think about people or who have insurance that barely covers anything, like so many situations people face today.

The insurance companies are bound by law to generate returns for their stockholders, not provide customers (patients) with high quality health care at an affordable cost. And customers of health insurance, nevermind health care services themselves, have next to no leverage to influence the way insurance companies serve them.

All of my Canadian friends love the system they have in their country. The AMA (American Medical Association) pays to disseminate propaganda leading Americans to believe otherwise.

We need to directly ask Canadian Citizen’s to educate Americans about their Health Care Delivery system.

We need to ask the Governor how much Pac money he got from the insurance companies to fund his run for Governor.

The forum was a great beginning for opening our minds to this problem. As Chuck Pennacchio suggested, author of the “Family and Business Healthcare Security Act,” (a single-payor Statewide, comprehendsive healthcare delivery system), an Independent Impact Study is a logical next step.

Perhaps Progressive’s For Pennsylvania can lead the way for making this study a reality.

Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator
of the e-book called “Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover
Your Calling and Destiny.” The book is designed to stimulate
nurses to love their work and to prevent on-the-job-burnout.
Click here to find out how to order the e-book:
Check out Kate’s Blog: http://nursehealers.typepad.com
And the Lens: http://www.squidoo.com/katelovingshenk

Sign Up HERE For Your *FREE* Newsletter For Nurses And Healers
Your e-mail address is safe with me–see privacy notice on my website!


Published in: on April 10, 2007 at 4:06 pm  Leave a Comment  

A Personal V-Day Monologue

I recently watched the creator of the Vagina Monologues, Eva Ensler, on an internet broadcast.

I was immediately inspired to celebrate my 20 year anniversary as a Woman’s Health Nurse Practitioner.

I can’t even begin to count the number of vaginal exams I’ve done. But I was gentle enough that women requested my exam over that of anyone else’s where I used to work.

After going to see the Vagina Monologues for the first time, I no longer took that compliment for granted.

The Vagina Monologues is made up of a varying number of monologues read by a assorted number of women (initially, Eve Ensler performed every monologue herself, with subsequent performances featuring three actresses, and more recent versions featuring a different actress for every role).

Every monologue somehow relates to the vagina, be it through sex, love, rape, menstruation, mutilation, masturbation, birth, orgasm, the variety of names for the vagina, or simply as a physical aspect of the female body. A recurring theme throughout the piece is the vagina as a tool of female empowerment, and the ultimate embodiment of individuality.

Some monologues include:

• I Was Twelve, My Mother Slapped Me: a chorus describing many young women’s and girls’ first menstrual period.

• My Angry Vagina, in which a woman humorously rants about injustices wrought against the vagina, such as tampons, douches, and the tools used by OB/GYNs

• My Vagina Was My Village, a monologue compiled from the testimonies of Bosnian women subjected to rape camps.

• The Little Coochie Snorcher That Could, in which a woman recalls memories of traumatic sexual experiences in her childhood and a self-described “positive healing” sexual experience in her adolescent years with an older woman.

• The Woman Who Loved to Make Vaginas Happy, in which a dominatrix for women discusses the intriguing details of her career and her love of giving women pleasure. In several performances it often comes at the end of the play, literally climaxing with a vocal demonstration of a “triple orgasm.”

• Because He Liked to Look At It, in which a woman describes how she came to love her vagina because of a sexual experience with a man who was in awe of vaginas.

• I Was There In The Room, a monologue in which Eve Ensler describes the birth of her granddaughter.

Every year a new monologue is added to highlight a current issue affecting women around the world. The monologue is performed at thousands of local V-Day benefit productions of the play that take place annually in February and March raising funds for local groups, shelters, crisis centers working to end violence against women. In 2003, for example, Ensler wrote a new monologue about the plight of women in Afghanistan under Taliban rule. This Monologue is known as “Under the Burqa.”

The Vagina Monologues are the cornerstone of the V-Day movement, whose participants stage benefit performances of the show worldwide each year between February 1st and March 8th (International Women’s Day). The first V-Day benefit took place on Valentine’s Day 1998 and many of the local benefits are held on Valentine’s Day.

The “V” in V-Day stands for Valentine, Vagina, and Victory, linking love and respect for women to ending violence against women and girls. The proceeds from these performances go to programs that work to end violence against women and girls, including crisis centers and women’s shelters.

In 2007, more than 3000 V-Day events took place in 1150 colleges and communities in the U.S. and around the world. To date, the V-Day movement has raised over $40 million and educated millions about the issue of violence against women and the efforts to end it, crafted international educational, media and PSA campaigns, launched the Karama program in the Middle East, reopened shelters, and funded over 5000 community-based anti-violence programs and safe houses in Kenya, South Dakota, Egypt and Iraq.

This year marks my V Day Coming Out Party.

I no longer stand by as women are dis-repected and demeaned.

I am a self-appointed advocate for women and nurses everywhere.

In my personal life, I no longer people please, and no matter what someone tells me they think I should be doing, I always consult my inner guides and angels, first.

This year also marks the 20th anniversary of my mother’s death.

I am my mother’s daughter.

I am here to champion the cause of women’s suffrage, just like my mother and my grandmother, my mother’s mother.

The ancestral lineage smiles upon us all.

Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator
of the e-book called “Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover
Your Calling and Destiny.” The book is designed to stimulate
nurses to love their work and to prevent on-the-job-burnout.
Click here to find out how to order the e-book:
Check out Kate’s Blog: http://nursehealers.typepad.com
And the Lens: http://www.squidoo.com/katelovingshenk

Sign Up HERE For Your *FREE* Newsletter For Nurses And Healers
Your e-mail address is safe with me–see privacy notice on my website!


Published in: on April 4, 2007 at 8:11 am  Leave a Comment